Get the care you deserve.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your fees? Do you take my health insurance?
I currently accept Aetna, Cigna and BCBS/Anthem. My private pay fee is $150 for 55minutes. My financial-need-based sliding scale spots are limited and are often being used by current patients, but please feel free to inquire about availability.
What kind of therapy or counseling is right for me?
That depends on how you see yourself and your struggles. There are over 400 schools of therapy, and despite their different theoretical foundations, they all work about equally well. Whether they work for YOU depends on your experiences, goals, and whether they fit your worldview. As a therapist who uses an integrative approach, I can draw upon those different schools of therapy, and we can work together to make a plan that best works for you.
How do I select a therapist?
Research says that your working alliance with your therapist is key. Working alliance is a fancy term for “Do you like, trust and respect your therapist and does your therapist like and respect you?” Without that relationship, it’s hard for anyone to change. So when you have your first session, ask yourself if the therapist really listened to you. Did you feel respected, or did you feel judged and criticized? Did you talk about the things that you wanted to talk about, or did the therapist have their own agenda? Did you feel treated as a unique individual/couple, or did it feel like you were diagnosed and given a label? Did you find yourself wanting to open up and talk more? Please feel free to speak your mind, you will not hurt any feelings, I promise. This is a journey, and the main character is YOU. You, and only you, get to determine who joins you on that journey.
Do I need a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, marriage and family therapist, social worker or counselor?
Ultimately, it really doesn't matter whether you see a counselor, psychotherapist, social worker, marriage and family therapist or psychologist, as long as you feel comfortable with the individual. The relationship you have with your therapist is much more important than the degree they carry.
Only a psychiatrist -- someone who has medical degree-- can prescribe medication. If medications are required, they will help you get connected to a psychiatrist to get you what you need.